MetisAfrica Training Courses in Verona, IT
As part of a training course of MetisAfrica, an association born in Verona (Italy) in 2001 and which acts in particular in Mali with the Dogon population, but also in Italy through the Center for Aid to Migrant Children and Adolescents, our director Rui Frati traveled to Verona to lead a workshop on the Theater of the Oppressed.
New social emergences and new approach techniques: the ethnoclinical contribution
Training courses for volunteers and aspiring volunteers.
The team of volunteers from MetisAfrica and other agencies and associations that collaborate with them, welcome day after day an ever-increasing number of families and migrant minors, refugees, but also anyone who lives with difficulty in situations of social imbalance, health and living together with the host society. I'ethnoclinicaloffers very effective techniques and tools to deal with these situations.
This course therefore offers specific training, under the ethnoclinical approach, and provides for an alternation of methods in order to ultimately enable those enrolled to be able to "relativize" and suspend the psychological parameters that make us evaluate suffering, illness and trauma, according to our own culture. The fundamentals of other civilizations, pedagogies and care systems will also be studied in depth.
In addition to this teaching, various WORKSHOPS will be experienced, one being led byRui Frati: The Theater of the Oppressed, a method of analyzing and transforming conflicts.